Mar 25, 20259 min read
Myth & facts about a good password and the reasoning behind it.
Mar 11, 202517 min read
Fraudsters hide behind fake websites and messages to obtain users' data and to prompt users to make payments.
Feb 18, 20256 min read
Attackers try to hack user accounts by using conventional or special dictionaries.
Feb 10, 20255 min read
Damages and administrative fines for data protection violations are rising sharply. At the same time, authorities and courts are increasingly holding directors and managers of companies directly liable.
Jan 21, 202514 min read
Engity's overview of the top cybersecurity and privacy issues that dominated the headlines in the final quarter of 2024.
Jan 7, 20254 min read
Brute force attacks are based on the trial-and-error method of obtaining passwords or access credentials.
Dec 17, 20249 min read
How does a hacker attack a company application, a customer portal, a user database or other protected areas; what methods does he use and what is hacking?
Dec 4, 20248 min read
Bifröst is an advanced open-source SSH server using OpenID Connect and allows automatic provisioning of user access.
Oct 29, 202414 min read
Which topics dominated the Cybersecurity and Data-Protection headlines in the third quarter of 2024?
Oct 28, 20243 min read
Password leaks have increased dramatically. This makes many people wonder if their chosen password is still secure.
Aug 8, 202417 min read
Which Cybersecurity and Data-Protection topics dominated the second quarter of 2024?
Jul 24, 20247 min read
The European Union has introduced the NIS-2 (Network and Information Security) Directive to ensure a greater IT-security within its member states