Password Spraying Attack

The attempt to gain unauthorized access to user accounts by trying a few commonly used passwords against many usernames or email addresses.

Nov 13, 20232 min read

A Password Spraying Attack is the attempt to gain unauthorized access to a system or user accounts by trying a few commonly used passwords against many usernames or email addresses.

In a more sophisticated version, not random passwords are used but specifically passwords that were used on other – maybe less protected and hence more hackable – accounts, often stemming from lists of breached passwords that can be obtained for little money on the dark web. Often, variations of such passwords including substitutions of letter and numbers are also tried. This is the reason why in most organizations it is expressly forbidden to use the same (or similar) passwords on multiple services.

Password spraying attacks are dangerous as they are often not easy to detect. While a standard brute force attack is very obvious and may trigger account lock-out mechanisms, if available, a spraying attack may remain unnoticed in the noise.

As so often, only a combination of measures can reliably protect against password spraying. Common measures are: