A user is accessing his personal account by pressing his thumb on the biometric reader next to the virtual login screen with username and password.

Biometric Authentication as Secure Passwordless Login Method

How Does Biometric Authentication Work?

Biometric authentication is a way to verify identities using physical or behavioral characteristics that cannot be changed. It is based on the principle “something the user is”, for example fingerprint, facial, iris pattern, voice recognition, signature, or palm print.

To set up a user account, the user must choose one or more physical or behavioral characteristics which are then stored in the database. If the user later wants to access the system, the users’ characteristics are compared with the stored ones. A successful matching or authentication of both data allows the user to login. As the characteristics cannot be changed or signed over to third parties, such a biometric authentication is generally a more secure authentication method than the classical username-password authentication. Everything is based on the uniqueness of the characteristics of an individual user. Unlike passwords, biometric data cannot easily be stolen, lost, or compromised. Biometrics is a faster, easier to scale as well as more accurate authentication method. However, there are also some drawbacks, such as cost, potential change of biometric characteristics that can lead to lock-out (if no biometric reset exist) and often concerns for data privacy (if cloud provider stores the personal characteristics).

Passwordless Authentication using Biometrics at Engity

Fast & Scalable Login Method

Biometrics Passwordless Authentication: Common Use Cases

In today’s fast-paced world, easy and fast access becomes more and more important. At the same time, data security is essential. Biometric authentication makes it possible to combine both requirements and only grants access to the legitimate user.

    Easy access to smartphone applications with biometrics

    More and more online services offer biometric identification with the individual characteristics of fingerprint, facial, Iris, or voice recognition to simplify the user`s journey. In particular, many applications for which security is important and which use and store personal data, e.g. banking, health insurances, or online storage apps use biometrics to give the user access to the application.
    Woman holding smartphone and unlocking security applications with her biometric fingerprint

    Biometrics in law enforcement and immigration

    There is a steadily increasing amount of people traveling by plane. Consequently, the required customs controls increase at the same rate. To best use the limited space of an airport terminal as well as to speed up the process time of an immigration check, more and more governments and authorities introduce self-service biometric terminals to support the human immigration officer.
    Self-service immigration terminals with IRIS, fingerprint scanner and passport scanner within the customs area of an airport.

    Biometrics access systems

    For decades, people used keys to lock buildings or rooms. Consequently, the person who had the key could enter, whether or not they were the rightful owner. Loss of a key or former colleagues still having a copy of the key was often a risk. The introduction of biometric characteristics for accessing areas or buildings reduced this risk as stored biometric features can always easily be deleted.
    Clothes shop with a cash register terminal, where a saleswoman is just signing-up without the need for an e-mail

    Can Biometric Authentication Support Your Use Case with a Fast & Scalable Roll-Out?

    You want to provide your users with a fast and convenient login experience? You consider implementing a multi-factor authentication where biometrics is a factor? Let us know your needs, and we will advise you on the best authentication method for your particular use case.
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