Two Venetian masks lying on colorful leaves describe the different look and feel of Engity's Multi-Tenancy Environments for Directories.

Multi-tenancy Architecture at Low Costs using Engity's Fully Customizable Environments for Directories

Multi-Tenancy Environments in Identity and Access Management

Customization of front-ends and databases for user & user groups, including look & feel, pricing, rule sets, and permissions is very limited due to tenant/directory technology. Engity’s new Multi-Tenancy Environment approach not only brings scalability without limitations but also full customization opportunities to the digital world. It is a Game Changer for Partner Management and Affiliate Marketing by making new business models possible at an affordable price point.

Engity’s Environment technology allows a multi-tenant environment within one tenant or directory by offering several advantages to the usual way with multiple standard tenants. Technical speaking, an additional management layer is added on top of a standard database or directory. This opens up new possibilities for managing user directories or tenants.

An environment can either be set up to provide a certain look- and feel, a specific pricing or defined access rules for a user or user group if logging in with OpenID Connect or the SAML interface. Only if the predefined environment rules are met, the respective user or user group get access to the database.

Engity’s Multi-Tenancy Environments for Directories empower enterprises to easily scale operations and help administrators to flexibly manage user directories based on actual needs. Additionally, our environment technology can be operated at lower costs, with less admin efforts, and at a higher security level than multiple directories side by side.

Or short: Multiple looks and rule sets, yet only one directory.

Collection of different letters in different styles and separate fields stand for limitless customizations of Engity's Multi-Tenancy Environments.

Use Cases for Multi-Tenancy Environments in Identity and Access Management

When companies set up a login-protected service, they typically create a user database or directory and define its attributes. They also need to decide which authentication methods to use. This basic approach usually works for most customers. However, depending on the service, there may be different rules and/or directories (tenants) needed to meet all customer requirements. As a result, enterprises often set up multiple parallel directories to provide user groups with their own unique login experience, pricing, or rule set.

A possible use case is that a company promises customer (partner) A that all of A’s users can be identified with A’s domain e-mail. All users with this domain e-mail get special access rights, look & feel customizations, certain rule sets or a special pricing. Currently, an additional database (tenant) with certain settings needs to be provided to which only the users of A get access. If a company has many customers (partners) with different rules, this can easily lead to a large number of needed directories. The management of such an infrastructure is expensive, complex, time-consuming, and generally limited to a maximum number of tenants. Within another use case, a company allows its partners to use their own SSO directories to login to their directories.

With Engity’s Multi-Tenancy Environments for Directories’ service, multiple directories (tenants) are no longer needed. A company can manage all its customers in one single database but with an infinite number of different appearances and access rules. This opens the advantage that users can seamlessly be transformed from one environment to another which is not possible with standard tenants’ technology.

What can you do with Multi-Tenancy Environments for Directories?

Ready to Experience the Advantages of Environment Authentication Yourself?

You need to flexibly grant rights and permissions to users? You need to restrict access to certain users or users’ groups based on time or location? Creating several directories is not only impractical, costly, and a time-consuming task.

With Engity’s Multi-Tenancy Environment technology you can manage user rights flexibly, instantly, and easily. Contact us and let us convince you of our powerful solution.

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