Repainting shoes to get a customized and user-friendly experience for the user; this is what Engity wants to achieve with its tailor-made authentication solution.

Custom Authentication for Your Registration, Sign-Up & Login Process

Authentication Solution following Your Corporate Design

Customize the Look and Feel of Your Identity & Access Management Solution

Corporate Identity and Corporate Brand Management become increasingly important in our digitalized world as users expect a user-friendly and tailor-made customer journey from brands they can trust. Consequently, it is our ambition to offer our customers a customized authentication solution following their needs.

    Custom Look & Feel

    A user or customer usually gets in contact with an authentication solution quite early in their customer journey of consuming a digital product or if buying a physical good online. Hence, it is important that the access management solution can be fully customized to support companies in convincing users from logging in. This can best be achieved if the company’s Corporate Branding is fully respected in terms of logo, colors, text, fonts, etc.
    Collection of Corporate Branding Identity goods, e.g. T-Shirts, cups, hats, pens, customized paper show the possibilities of customization of Engity's Identity and Access Management solution

    Customized Mailings

    Despite using the Corporate Branding writing an e-mail to customers, it is equally important to customize e.g. welcome, password reset, or error messages to the needs of the companies and its users.
    Woman is typing on a keyboard and many vector mail icons are flying across the image showing that Engity's customers can choose which user gets which customized mailing.

    Custom Localized Text

    Online services interacting with people from different countries and cultures need a tailor-made and customized local / regional approach, including different languages when approaching these different groups. Engity makes it easy to categorize users in different user groups to address each of them in the right language as well as with the specific local characteristics.
    Group of multinational people holding flags of their home country and are happy that with Engity for every region and language an own customization can be rolled out.
    Vector image illustrating a keyboard with domain name written on it and a colorful ball with many country code endings sitting on it.

    Custom Domain or Your Subdomain Using Engity's Service

    Engity offers two alternatives how to authenticate a user. Authentication of a webservice can be performed via a subdomain of Engity’s App (e.g. or by implementing the authentication service within the customer’s own domain universe (e.g. Using an Engity subdomain is very simple, fast, and cost efficient. However, end-users can easily see in the URL, that company is using a third-party authentication provider right away. If a company does not want to show that it is using an outsourced Identity and Access Management solution, a customer domain is the right choice.

    Maximum Possible Customization Using Hooks

    Looking for a Customized User Experience in Identity & Access Management

    You want to source an Identity and Access Management solution from a third party? But you do not want to give up your own look and feel? Customization is important for you? Then Engity is the right place for you. Let us discuss which part of your authentication solution you want to have customized!
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