A hand taps on a virtual touchscreen on the digital instead of analog, since non-digital people should no longer be a hurdle to digital access solutions.

Access Solutions for Non-Digital People

With Engity's alternative authentication methods, "analog people" can also participate securely in digital life.

Alternative Authentication Methods for Analog People

Older, sick and care-dependent people in particular, but also small children of pre-school age or illiterate people find it difficult to participate in digital life (digital participation). However, access to digital platforms is often the real problem, as this requires registration and regular authentication during use.

For children, senior citizens and illiterate people, traditional authentication methods often do not work at all, no longer work, or do not yet work. A password cannot be memorized and biometric features such as fingerprints or iris scans are often no longer a reliable access method due to change in physical characteristics.

Nevertheless, due to the demographic situation and increasing cost pressure in the areas of health, care, spiritual welfare, childcare, church, etc., more and more services will and must be digitized. However, the digital participation of these people is important. Engity has therefore developed processes that also allow these demographics to log in to digital platforms. All of this is part of Engity's access solution.

In addition to simple and maximum customizability of the access solution, Engity's flexible platform also allows alternative authentication solutions tailored to the respective target group to be selected and easily integrated into your use case.

The right authentication factors

What are the authentication factors for non-digital users?

When looking for the right access solution for non-digital people, we need to ask which authentication factor is suitable. Usernames / passwords and biometric features are often not suitable. But older or very young people may not even have a phone. Therefore, the focus for authentication features should be on other possible authentication factors, such as possession, knowledge, and location.

    Things that you have

    Even if neither phone nor email account are available, there are objects that are used almost everywhere in the western world. For example, every German citizen has a health insurance card (electronic health card eGK) or an ID card (with NFC or online ID function). Similar IDs are to be found in most European countries. The use of these features for authentication also allows analog people to participate in the digital world.

    Of course, devices that the person owns can also be used via the respective device authentication (e.g. also a MAC address).

    A woman sits in front of a laptop and holds a digital ID card in her hand, which symbolizes the online function of the real ID card with which she digitally authenticates herself.

    Things that you know

    Remembering a secure password is usually the biggest problem with the classic authentication method, especially for older people and those in need of care.

    Yes even if username and password are often not suitable access factors, the knowledge factor can be used as a criterion in the context of two-factor authentication. Parameters that almost everyone has and can look up, such as tax identification number, social security number, etc., can be used for this purpose.

    A book is lying open on a table in a library and interactive elements representing Engity's knowledge-based authentication are coming alive in the book.

    Where the user is located

    "Analog people" are often no longer very mobile and require digital access from a specific location such as their own home, place of residence, hospital, etc. Therefore, the respective location of the user (IP authentication) can be used as an authentication factor.
    A digital map shows a large pin and several smaller locations for location-based IP authentication with Engity's IAM solution.

    Do You also Want to Help Non-Digital People to Participate more in the Digital World?

    Do you also have the challenge of how to securely authenticate certain demographics? Older people, people in need of care, or even small children need secure access to your range of services in the areas of health, care, spiritual welfare, entertainment, etc.?

    Engity offers various alternatives for easily authenticating analog people for your digital services.

    Contact us and let's discuss your use case. We look forward to hearing from you!

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